Ballet Bloch
Professional Training and Performance School
At Ballet Bloch, ballet is not only taught as a visual art where a dancer learns to create aesthetic line, shape, and form, but is also experienced as somatic-based physics promoting psycho-physical (mind-body) well-being. Ballet Bloch trains dancers as ‘artistic-athletes’, pushing through limitations, to achieve the highest standards of technical ability of each individual body, whilst developing the art of creative expression in classical and contemporary styles of dance.
Programs are available for ages 3yrs+ to 22yrs.
Our Professional students experience a unique opportunity similar to a professional ballet company where classical full-length ballets are reimagined and performed. World-renowned choreographers are commissioned to create these works and the collaboration between professional artist and student is developed.
Our Repertoire includes: Paquita, Swan Lake, Les Sylphides, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Giselle, The Nutcracker, Romeo&Juliet, and Alice in Wonderland. The Nutcracker is performed every year in December and we encourage students from all over Vancouver to participate.
Auditions and Events
Our Faculty

Tracy-Lea Bloch
Artistic Director
My Personal Message
As a young child I was knock-kneed and pigeon-toed. My mom took me to many doctors, specialists and orthopedists – I had specially built up shoes and even had to wear my shoes on the wrong feet! Nothing helped correct my then “poor-alignment”. One of the last specialists who examined me said: “send her to ballet”, and that’s exactly what my mom did. Within months my legs and feet started coming right and within years I literally transformed from “The Ugly Duckling” into a swan!
I am so grateful that ballet presented itself to me and carved my most fascinating and unforgettable life. Besides being meticulous about alignment and correct body movement I had the belief I could be anything I wanted to be. Classical ballet gave me the opportunity to express myself with grace, elegance and artistic flare.
I believe every child deserves to dance – give them the opportunity and let’s see where it takes them!
I would love for you to meet our teachers and choreographers.
Dancer Health
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#108 - 1861 Welch Street, North Vancouver BC, V7P 1B7